At the beginning of the year, the Father began showing me there is a course correction coming for the Body of Christ as a whole. And we are going to have a decision to make about it - will we choose to go in the direction the Holy Spirit shows us or not?
God has given us the ability to choose; however, it is always wise to heed the leading of the Holy Spirit, who is the "Spirit of truth" (John 16:13). The Lord would not be doing this if a course correction weren't needed. Why would He spend His time turning us in a new direction if it were not necessary? He wouldn't. This is essential for our being in the right position and proper alignment with Him as His Body. But this isn't just a correction in our trajectory. It is also a correction in how we conduct ourselves as God's people.
We cannot be offended at our Heavenly Father when He sees we need true correction, whether individually or corporately. He is just and righteous, and we must learn how to yield to His correction when He reveals to us there are changes we need to make (Hebrews 12:1-9).
We cannot be offended at our Heavenly Father when He sees we need true correction, whether individually or corporately. He is just and righteous, and we must learn how to yield to His correction when He reveals to us there are changes we need to make (Hebrews 12:1-9).
He is a kind, loving, generous Father. He is also an omniscient God; He sees and knows all. He sees the truth of what's really going on, including what is hidden, even within the recesses of our own hearts, things we cannot see or discern about ourselves. Remember, God doesn't judge by outward appearances; He looks at the heart (1 Samuel 16:7). And that's precisely what He is doing.
We cannot adjust or correct ourselves according to what we think or assume to be right. It is the truth the Father reveals to us through His Word and by His Spirit that we need to make proper, healthy, and sound correction. It is by His standard of truth we must gauge and amend ourselves. His rule is the plumb line for our lives, and that would be Jesus, himself, who is the head of us, His Body.
So what exactly is God the Father saying about all this?
I heard Him expressly say, "As My people, you cannot be set in your own ways. Instead, you must be set in My ways."
Doing things our way has cost us, and it has hurt many people – other believers as well as unbelievers. We must learn to truly function in His ways, and our motives must line up with His heart.
The course correction is coming, and we will either choose to embrace it or reject it. I pray we embrace it and the needed change it will bring.
Another thing He spoke to me about is our holding back with Him. The Father wants every part of us. As it is, many of us are only giving Him the portions we feel comfortable giving, but He wants all of us, and every part of us needs Him.
We've all had, myself included, some piece of ourselves - wounded, frightened, prideful, stubborn, broken, disappointed, rebellious, bitter, traumatized - in need of His beautiful mending touch. There is nothing shameful about that, but withholding these pieces from Him is hurting us personally, and it is also hurting the Body of Christ as a whole. It has led us off course.
We must be like David and ask Him to search our hearts and thoughts and show us what He finds. (Psalm 139:23-24). Then we must be willing to receive what He shows us and allow Him to help us through His corrective, healing process.
God is faithful and true. He loves us and cares about where we are headed. He knows all our past hurts and injustices, and our present struggles. He wants to help us deal with them rightly, but we can't take matters into our own hands and then expect God to follow suit; it doesn't work like that. We must purpose in our hearts to align ourselves with Him and His order.
We have come into a new time. It is a time that will no longer allow us to hold onto past hurts and offenses nor filter our thinking, our choices, or even our theology through them. God wants to bring healing and restoration into our lives, for us and for the sake of the Kingdom, so we can function freely in all He has for us to do.
His Kingdom is advancing. The light of the world is shining brightly in His glory and power. By the mouth of many prophets, we are hearing that an awesome, unprecedented move of God is soon coming, and we each have a part to play in this. To put it another way, Heaven is going to invade earth in a way it never has before. Know this isn't going to be a one-time deal, and then it's over and done with. Instead, this will be abiding, steadfast. In fact, I believe it's going to be more of an awakening that will change everything. Still, if we aren't in alignment with His heart and His order we will miss it, or some part of it, because it won't look like what we're expecting. It won't look familiar because God is doing a new thing, and He truly wants us to be ready for it (Isaiah 43:18-19).
Do we really want to risk missing out on something we've long been waiting for and praying for? The Father certainly doesn't want us to miss it, not even in the slightest.
Therefore, may we humble ourselves before Him and allow this course correction to lead us into all truth. There are portions of this that are going to be a hard pill to swallow, but know the Father will never mislead us, not ever. And through this correction, He will bring us into new levels of wisdom and understanding; He will bring us into deeper levels of His love and power. Ultimately, He is doing this to bring us into the abundant life He designed and created us for.
Many exciting things lie ahead, and the Father wants to fully ready us for them. The question is, will we let Him?
In His Great Love,
Michelle Holderman
P3 Ministries
Copyright © 2015
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will direct your paths." PROVERBS 3:5-6 NIV
"Search me, O God, and know my heart; test my thoughts. Point out anything you find in me that makes you sad, and lead me along the path of everlasting life." PSALM 139:23-24 TLB
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