The Anchor Holds In Spite of The Storm: A Word of Hope and Encouragement for Someone

The Lord gave me a word of encouragement for someone this morning, which He wanted me to audibly speak and not write. This happened rather spontaneously, so it's a bit raw and a little long, but I really felt it was important. Please know, despite any fumbles on my part, this message is sincerely from the heart of God. I've no idea who this is for, but I pray it falls on the precious ears it's meant to reach.

In His deep love and hope,



  1. You will never know,how thankful I am for this word from the Lord needed this have wanted for years to hear from the lord 22 years this has been so stressful at time. Thank you for bringing hope this has been the Lord the hole time letting my life be in this storm please keep me in your prays that I will die to self and let God be the fullness there of

    1. BeverLee,

      Thank you so much for sharing this. I don't take your words lightly. Yes, I will be praying for you. I feel the Lord is really proud of you for sticking in this and not giving up. He knows how hard and long it's been, which is why He wanted to release hope and encouragement to you. I know He will give the grace to see this through.

      Love and blessings to you, dear sister.

      ~ Michelle

    2. I am as well so grateful for this Michelle. I needed this, He knows. I have held strong in a situation that has been going on for 7 years stretching back to decades and has tested me at every angle. I have waited on the Lord patiently to show me what to do.I have stepped forward by faith but have found closed doors at every turn. Today I have presented my urgent request to Him, crying out to Him, asking Him today what I am to do, telling Him that there is no way that I can move forward if not He make a way for me to do the right thing. I validate that I have felt that He is using this for a greater good for His glory. God has given me the gift of being an encourager and a minister of mercy and kindness to others and It is my wish that all that I am be used for His glory. I am in need of hope and help to keep going as I trust Him for each step forward. I testify that He is my sure hope and yes His love and His strength has kept my spirit nurtured and watered during this time in a vast desert wasteland. I will not faint or crumble! I will continue on to trust in Him waiting for Him to lead the way! Though Satan may seek to destroy the path for my feet to walk, My God made the mountain and knows other ways up to the top! Thank you Michelle this word helps me keep going.

    3. Dee, thank you for sharing your heart about this. I'm so glad to know it was an encouragement to you in some way. I know your faith in the Lord helps to keep you despite the struggle. I'll be praying for you, sweet friend.

      Much love to you.

      ~ Michelle

  2. Thank you...

    1. Thanks so much, Anonymous. The lyric video of Amanda Cook's The Voyage is wonderful. I'd never seen it. Just beautiful! And it's so fitting with what the Lord revealed in this word. I appreciate you sharing the link to watch it, and also taking the time to leave a comment. Many blessings to you. ~ Michelle
