The Promise Is Coming


I keep hearing those words over and over again from Holy Spirit. In fact, I've been hearing them for many days now, including today, and I've been pressing in and seeking the Lord for more understanding. Actually, there has been a lot of labor, resistance, and interference involved, which tells me this must be quite important.

I don't profess to know it all, but I am getting from Him that "The Promise" means different things for different people. Yet it is fully rooted in the promises of God (2 Corinthians 1:20) for our lives, our families, the body of Christ, and even cities and nations. And this is certainly happening at the direction of the Father.

I also believe this has everything to do with Him taking us further into both our individual and collective destinies in Jesus. And I really feel an excitement attached to this too.

This is ultimately a Kingdom thing. And there will be some necessary uprooting and tearing down of certain things that have already served their purpose and are hindering what the Father wants to newly plant and build, or were never of Him in the first place and must be removed. There will be hidden things uncovered too. So don't be surprised by the exposure this carries.

Lastly, I’m hearing Him say there are greater days ahead that are going to blow our minds. This is a time that is truly being orchestrated by Heaven itself for the greatest move of God we’ve ever known.

He is intentionally joining people together for His purpose. So I can’t emphasize enough how important it is to be in the place the Father wants each of us to be. It doesn’t matter what anyone else says, thinks, or does – be where He wants you to be; nothing more and nothing less.

I don't believe it's a coincidence that the Holy Spirit is repeatedly speaking these words during this week - Holy Week and Passover Week. I think there is great significance in it – almost like Heaven is making an announcement during this holy time. And I know I’m not the only one feeling it or perceiving it either.

I really feel there is more to this but I can only share what I've been given. However, I do believe we are going to see a pairing of God's love and power within this time in ways we've never known or seen before. In other words, the magnitude of His love and power is going to astound many of us.

So with that, I declare to you, as the Holy Spirit has been specifically declaring to me,


In His Love.


(I'm sharing this at His direction so please weigh these words by the Spirit)

Michelle Holderman
Copyright © 2017

Photo Source: Wallpapers Craft

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