The Star Wars Company

The Father has been speaking to me about a particular group of believers that He calls "The Star Wars Company." 

He uses Star Wars terminology in speaking of them, which might not jive with everyone, but this is the language He is using, and it will bear witness to those it's meant for. 

I think there are many revelations yet to be given about this, and I believe I'm only releasing a portion of it. I pray He will provide even greater parts to other sons and daughters, so we'll have a broader and more precise understanding of what He is doing. On a side note, I feel an excitement about this company and what the Father intends to accomplish through them. 

So with that being said, I'll share the part I am being shown.

God is raising up this band of Kingdom Warriors of Truth and Light (Jedi Knights) to battle the forces of darkness (the Galactic Empire) in this day and age. They will do it through what they have learned in their training time with the Master Jedi himself, Jesus. Indeed, the Lord has been at work in this company for a long time. 

Think of them as special-ops; they are specially trained in specific areas and highly proficient. And they are a chosen group, so age is not an issue here because they are handpicked by the Father. Whether they're 20, 40, or 70, it doesn't matter. It's their calling that is the determining factor.

I believe God can work in any way He chooses, including releasing a movie idea that would symbolically convey a specific thing He will do in the future. I think He does this more than we might realize, although we don't always understand such things for what they really are while they're happening. Selah. 

The Father is beginning to release the revelation of what He's doing in this group He calls, The Star Wars Company. And believe me, The Force (Holy Spirit) is most certainly strong in them; they are important to Him. 

The Father says – 

"Have I not been at work all along in training and preparing My Jedis? Oh, yes, more than you know. Nothing has been wasted. Even through the ups and downs in their lives, I have been working to ready them for this assignment. 

I have My Obi-Wan Kenobis, Luke Skywalkers, Princess Leias, and Han Solos all lined up. Even they do not know the depth of what I have called them for, but it will become more apparent in time. 

There are seeds of truth and grace only they carry for the work of My Kingdom. As do others, this company of believers has a specific anointing for the work they've been designated to walk in. 

The focus of their lives journey is embedded in their hearts, and their hearts are set on Me. They've been equipped with Heaven's lightsabers (swords of truth) and know how to properly use them. 

They are of sound mind and carry Christ's power and love (2 Timothy 1:7). 

They operate in the supernatural power of My Spirit (1 Corinthians 2:1-5).

They know how to stand strong in the Lord and in His power (Ephesians 6:10).

And they know how to pray and intercede. They see that the battle is with principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this present age, and the spiritual forces of evil 
in the heavenly realms (Ephesians 6:12). 

Therefore, they know how to "war" in the heavens or the "stars." But they also know some things are a matter of the human heart and soul. 

You must understand they are anointed for specific tasks, and not everyone will get it. So before anyone judges them, consider these words and what I AM doing through them lest you fall into false judgment. 

Pray for this company. Pray for their unity; pray for their resolve; pray for their missions to be fulfilled. How this company succeeds will impact generations that are yet to come. In other words, they are laying an essential foundation for the future. Yes, pray for their success because their success is your success, and that of your children, as well as your children's children, and so on. 

Only I, their Heavenly Father, can raise them up to hit the mark of their high calling in My Son, Christ Jesus. And oh, how He desires for you to pray for them as He instructs. 

I AM so proud of this company! They are unique, and they are designed for greatness in ways I define greatness. 

They carry a specific sound I have given them, and it will be both to their credit and defense; for the enemy (Darth Vader) has heard them coming and he is overcome with distress, but that will not stop him, and the forces of darkness from trying to prevent them from succeeding in what I have called them to do. 

This is why the Saints of God must stand firm and pray for My Star Wars Company to be successful; even they cannot accomplish this on their own. They need your prayers to help them fully achieve what they've been given to do."  

Michelle Holderman
Copyright © 2017 

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