“The Father’s heart is set on recovery. So what more shall I say then about these truths and mysteries that are being revealed?
I say let there be light over them! Let the light of Christ illuminate the truths and mysteries We (Father, Son, and Spirit) desire to be made known, for there are many.
Just as I spoke in the first word regarding this, so I will say it again – many of these truths and mysteries hold solutions and remedies that are needed for this time; they will help many people.
Some of these truths and mysteries, however, are going to be a rather hard pill to swallow, but they must be brought into the light so they no longer hold the power of secrecy over the lives and the land of the people; this is how true recovery can begin to take place.
Everything the Father does is to ultimately bring healing and restoration. So set your hearts on this knowledge and your trust upon the One who knows all things.
What is coming into the light over these next 6-12 months will lay the foundation for what We are doing over the course of the next several years. It is to promote the will of the Father for the lives of His people and to promote the prevailing of His purpose in the earth.
Yes, there is a pipeline of truth that is being opened, and it is being opened at the command of the Father. The valve to this pipeline has been rusted over for a very long time, but even now, I AM pouring My oil upon it to unseal it. I AM sending an angel to turn it open completely.
What was once hidden underground and out of sight will come pouring out into the light of day because this is the will of the Father. And it will set many captives free, says the Spirit.
I want there to be recovery of the highest order, but for this to happen, I must reveal these truths and mysteries. So hold onto this word closely and know I AM causing these things to emerge. I AM truly for you and not against you, and in time, you will find this out in a remarkable way.
Beloved, My word is a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path. So trust what I AM enlightening you to; trust I AM working all things, even those things you do not yet fully know, together for your good. I AM.”
Michelle Holderman
Copyright © 2018
Photo source: Pexels.com
have you ever heard of the 1679 Prophecy? Father's heart lines up with this heavy duty word.