The Father is having me release His heart in a new way, and He calls it Whispers from His Heart.
These whispers [from His heart] are basically one-sentence bullet points. Bullet-points highlight or signify what is most important for thought, discussion, and/or action, which is exactly why He is doing it like this - to emphasize or draw our attention to what He says is significant for a given time.
Also, He told me He will divulge individual details to people through these holy whispers. As you read them, He will speak uniquely to you and how this applies to your life. While they may seem rather simple or general at first glance, these words indeed came from His heart. He spoke them for a reason, so do not dismiss them. Think on them and ask Him to show you specifics; I'm doing the same.
In the future, I'll post them as He directs me to do. For now, here are some whispers I've heard from His heart recently that He wants me to share:
- Take the less-traveled road that He has laid out for you.
- Focus on the heart of God.
- The hidden things of the past are coming to light.
- The message of your life is about to be made known.
Michelle Holderman
Copyright © 2020
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