From the Heart of Jesus

Some of you are going through the most gut-wrenching, heart-rending time of your lives, and what is happening in the world right now isn't really on your radar because you’re dealing with so much personal pain, suffering, and loss.

Your world has been torn apart. It’s numbing and overwhelming, all at the same time, and has left you deeply cut, dazed, and bruised. It's like one day you woke up and your whole life unexpectedly, and rather harshly, changed forever.

You’ve been trying to process it, but you can’t because it doesn’t make sense: no understanding, just heartbreak, and cold silence.

This is what I've been sensing from the heart of Jesus over the last several days. He wanted me to put it into words, as best as I could, to acknowledge what you are going through because you feel so devastated, hurt, and alone.

To have it recognized, seen, or expressed in some way is akin to having a caring hand reaching out to take yours and pull you close into a genuine embrace of love, tenderness, and compassion, and that is exactly what I feel from His heart for you; that’s precisely what He’s doing.

He wants you to know that your deep aches and sobs pierce His heart. Pierce, as in, cuts and deeply penetrates. He feels what you feel, and He is touched, quite literally, by your suffering.

Only He knows how to fully be in this place with you, and He is. Even if you can't feel Him, know He's there.

He also knows nothing can take the place of real hands and feet, of someone being tangibly present in your time of need.

He wants to send people to help you in practical, effective ways. I’m praying for His people, Jesus people, to show up and be a consistent support, comfort, and blessing to you, and not only for as long as you need but as long as He wants, even if it’s only one person.

He knows your heart and thoughts, He hears the words you cannot articulate, and He's already responding.

I share this with you because you are on His heart so much He wants you to see it in writing. If you're not able to take it in now, then later.

You, and how you're feeling, matter to Him. He absolutely takes what you're going through to heart, and He sent me to tell you so.

Precious sister, beloved brother, may His presence minister to you in ways only He can. And may He be that safe and soft place for you to land.

In His deepest love and compassion,

Michelle Holderman
Copyright © 2021

photo source: Pexels

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