Prophetic expression is a manner in which God makes Himself known to people. He can do this through any means He desires like His natural creation, a movie, song, TV show, blog, stranger, or life occurrence, which might seem random but really isn't.
He also reveals Himself prophetically through His children and often does this through believers who have been called to function in prophetic ministry. He works through both the spiritual and natural gifts and talents they have.
He also reveals Himself prophetically through His children and often does this through believers who have been called to function in prophetic ministry. He works through both the spiritual and natural gifts and talents they have.
Making revelation known to someone in this unique style isn't only exciting; it's highly powerful and impacting. Our Heavenly Father is good at creating this expressive outlet in most unusual and extraordinary ways. He does this to draw attention to what He wants the person or people to know, and He attaches a part of Himself and their destiny to it.
Did you catch that?
God attaches a piece of Himself and the person's future to the expression. The revelation is in direct proportion to the will and purpose of God for their life. I think that's incredibly awesome and speaks to how much He loves us!
He does this to encourage us, give us hope, and spark faith on a deeper level. He also reveals more of Himself and what He created us to do to awaken us to the personal destiny we have in Jesus.
The expression is the actual form or medium that the prophetic revelation takes, and there are many different kinds of expression.
Prophetic expression indeed flows through the spoken word, but it also flows through the visual, creative, and performing arts, and in fact, this is one of God's favorite ways to communicate with people.
A prophetic expression can come through painting, sketching, sculpting, poetry, writing, photography, film, music, song, dance, weaving, and woodworking, among many others.
The fantastic thing about prophetic expression is that Jesus, who is the Spirit of prophecy (Revelation 19:10), chooses what to express and how best to express it.
It is specific to the person or people receiving it, and it's for a particular time. Often, a prophetic expression can serve as confirmation about something we're already aware of; it's like getting verification. Still, it can and often does reveal a glimpse of our future we do not yet know or have a full understanding of.
It is specific to the person or people receiving it, and it's for a particular time. Often, a prophetic expression can serve as confirmation about something we're already aware of; it's like getting verification. Still, it can and often does reveal a glimpse of our future we do not yet know or have a full understanding of.
The Lord will speak uniquely through the gifting (spiritual and natural) a person has and operates in to express His heart to someone. It is truly beautiful and meant to be life-changing,
For instance, if He chooses to express Himself prophetically to you through a photo, that picture will be specific to the communication. In other words, it holds the expression of His heart.
We must first understand that God has His own language with which He communicates, and it is often symbolic. Much like when He gives us a dream, He wraps the revelation in symbolism; we have to interpret it.
Jesus spoke in parables much, and when you read the Gospels, you see He communicated spiritual truths through allegory - through symbolism, metaphor, and analogy.
So it is with prophetic expression today. It helps define the unknown using the known.
This also reveals to us one of the ways God likes to speak. He knows whether we're familiar with it or not, so either way, He'll get the message across, but the more we learn how He speaks, the easier it will be for us to understand. And it's always essential to ask the Holy Spirit for guidance.
So it is with prophetic expression today. It helps define the unknown using the known.
This also reveals to us one of the ways God likes to speak. He knows whether we're familiar with it or not, so either way, He'll get the message across, but the more we learn how He speaks, the easier it will be for us to understand. And it's always essential to ask the Holy Spirit for guidance.
Let's say the picture He gives you is a red rose blooming in the sunlight. What is He saying to you?
The kind of flower, the color of the flower, and the fact that the bulb isn't fully open but in the process of blooming in the sunshine are all elements of what He is revealing, and to fully understand, you must look at each element within the picture. Remember, every detail is essential to what He is conveying, and really, each component is intentional.
Whenever God chooses to use my gift of photography to release a prophetic expression to someone, He might want me to include a Scripture, or perhaps a short summary of what the photo represents to give a degree of understanding. Sometimes, He'll speak a more in-depth word for them, and sometimes He wants me to say nothing.
Nonetheless, He always leaves an element of mystery in place so the person will seek Him for themselves. Keep in mind, it is God's nature to hide revelation for us to find (Proverbs 25:2).
So back to the flower. What could He be expressing to you?
In this example, maybe He wants you to know you are important to Him; that He loves you very much and is passionate about you (red rose can represent you being His beloved), and through His love and light, some aspect of your life is starting to unfold (blooming in the sunlight). Maybe greater wisdom is developing in your life. Or perhaps He's saying you are going to begin operating in a greater anointing (the color red can represent love, wisdom, power or anointing, and sunlight can be a play on words for SON-light or the light of the Son, Jesus).
Perhaps He is saying there are layers in your heart He's beginning to open up and reveal more of His love to (red rose petals opening); that He is going to shine His light on you and cause you to flourish. Or perhaps there's a specific area in your heart He wants to shine His love and light on (sunlight shining on the rose), which in turn, will bring healing and cause you to blossom and grow more in wisdom, love, and power, or in what you're called to do (the process of blooming).
Perhaps red roses mean something in particular to you. Maybe they remind you of a specific event in your life or a person who is very special to you. Perhaps red roses are your most favorite flower in the world. Maybe the sunshine and red roses bring you great warmth and joy. Maybe there's an inside joke about red roses that no one else would know or understand but you and God. He knows all this, and it could be part of the overall message, if not the whole message itself.
Do you see the different ways He can communicate through one photo or expression?
The whole meaning would change if the rose were a different color or type of flower altogether. The point is, whatever His purpose for the expression is what He will make known to you. The Father knows how to connect with each of us. He knows the precise route to take that distinctly speaks to us.
Because of Jesus, we have abundant life (John 10:10). So whenever He speaks to us through a prophetic expression, He really wants to instill and release more of this life to us. It is often called zóé, which means life. Strong's Greek Concordance defines it as life, both physical (present) and spiritual (particularly future) in existence. It only comes from and is sustained by God's self-existent life. I like to call it the absolute fullness of life or God-life, which is rooted in Christ alone.
So whatever form of expression He chooses, please know it's more than just a few mere words, or just a painting, photo, or piece of art. You are receiving an actual part of Him and your God-given destiny; you're receiving more God-life. His expression has been uniquely created from the Throne Room of Heaven just for you, and you will feel it. Oh yes, He's that personal, and you're that special to Him! The Lord really likes to give us His tailor-made expressions, so expect them.
And remember, true prophetic expression reveals, inspires, edifies, and enlightens. It imparts life, stirs deeper faith and hope, and reveals the Father's heart and love for us. Always.
And remember, true prophetic expression reveals, inspires, edifies, and enlightens. It imparts life, stirs deeper faith and hope, and reveals the Father's heart and love for us. Always.
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