The Holy
Spirit emphasized certain things to me concerning the month of July –
seven to be exact. His highlights or revelatory points, if you will. I do not presume to
know everything that will happen in July, however; I am releasing the portion He has given me to share with the Body of Christ. In His love and grace. ~ Michelle
1. There are going to be unusual
manifestations of God’s glory and love during this month. Don’t expect usual,
normal, typical, or ordinary. Not that anything about Him falls into any of those categories, but rather
our expectation of how He works often does. This is a time to
let God take Himself out of our personal safety boxes. He wants to show us more.
2. The Holy Spirit will begin healing blind spots and removing blinders that are obscuring the sight of God’s people so we can see more clearly what The Father is doing, and how He is doing it.
3. The Father is replacing our old ways
of thinking. He wants us to understand how to rightly operate through the mind
of Christ. He is giving certain sons and daughters deep wisdom and insight into
this. Listen to what they are saying.
4. We must understand that God highly values relationships. He values His relationships with us and our
relationships with each other. This is going to show more important this month
than any other. Divine alliances are coming into greater focus in July. He will start bringing people together for partnerships in ministry, business, and artistic and innovative projects and endeavors. These are God-ordained connections that will serve His purposes for The Kingdom.
5. The blending of things within the Church must stop. We, as believers, cannot mix light and darkness, truth and lies, love and hate, or purity and impurity. The Father is going to rightly deal with this in His House and in His leadership.
It is the Body of Christ He is looking at concerning this matter.
6. Far more people are coming into
the Kingdom than many might expect. Not necessarily just in this month, but more so in
the future. Do not underestimate what The Lord is doing. Remember, His ways and
thoughts are higher than ours. Jesus is inviting us to join Him in this by
allowing Holy Spirit to teach us how to better operate in His love and power together. There
is a synergy between the two – His love and His power. Demonstrations of them in operation together will be what draws many to Christ.
7. The Father is expanding His Kingdom. Okay, so most of us are not surprised by this because The Kingdom of God is ever increasing, and it seems to echo the previous point. However, that is not the kind of
expanding He's specifically referring to here. There's a new type of
expansion or development He is setting into motion, and there are forerunners in the Body of
Christ, trailblazers or pioneers in the faith, who are carrying this. The Lord is going to use them to usher it in. I’m not
sure they even know or fully understand it, but He will start giving deeper insight to those who are pioneering
this unique expansion for God's Kingdom. He is going
to set this thing ablaze and it will be more deeply established during the month
of July. I am specifically hearing Holy Spirit say, “There is an expansion within the expanding.” Although I do not have full clarity about it, this is what I am being shown by
the Spirit of God.
Michelle Holderman
P3 Ministries
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