I hear Jesus say:
"You're not sure about Me anymore. You thought you knew Me and what I'm all about, but now you question everything. You've always been a person of faith, but the hardships of this life have worn you down and taken a heavy toll. You're exhausted by what's happened and also by empty religion. You're thinking I must be done with you. So much has happened; so much has changed, and it's all taken a harsh, meaningless and almost hopeless tone. You say you can't hear Me speaking to you anymore and wonder why I'm so silent. You're even wondering if you have been a total fool for believing all that you once held to be true.
Can I tell you what I really long for you to know?
I long for you to know you are and always have been important to Me. And not because of what you can do for Me or how well you can do it, but simply because I love you. I. JUST. LOVE. YOU. And if you never do another thing for Me; I will go on loving you as much as I always have. My love for you will never diminish. Never. I do want you to know there is more to Me though - another facet of the diamond if you will.
Some of what you're feeling is discontentment, but I want to put it in a new light; perhaps a light you've never considered. Could your discontentment be the path through which you discover more of Me? Even more of who you are?
You are right; I'm not religious, I am relational. And my relationship with you is the most important thing to Me.
The noise of religion, even good religion, cannot compare to the symphony of a relationship with Me. Your discontentment is actually a cry for more of what is genuine and authentic. You long for greater beauty. And although you're feeling extremely disappointed, even by Me, I want you to know I will not disappoint your longing. I want you to know I am turning up the volume of My love for you because love who is I really am.
My love is what will satisfy your longing. My love is where I am speaking to you now, and it will seem foreign at first because I am expressing it in a whole new way, but listen for it; look for it. And when you get ahold of it, it will infuse you with wonder and contentment you've never known. It will be like oxygen to you, and you'll breathe freely and laugh again. You will find more of Me there. I'm waiting for you."
Michelle Holderman
Copyright © 2018
Photo source: Pexels
Photo source: Pexels
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