We all have life stories to share, as well as the scars to go with them. And this is precisely what Jesus and I have been talking about over the past two weeks. While I had no intention of writing anything about it, I feel He wants me to speak to this; so I am.
Let me begin by saying this is no light subject matter to Him or me. The scars and stories of people hold a deep place in the heart of Jesus.
In 2016 I wrote a blog post entitled "Scars and Stories." I felt His presence so strongly during that writing process and knew He wanted me to draw from the place of my story and scars as well as His own. In other words, it was from a joining of our scars and stories that I wrote it.
And it is this - the joining of our scars and stories - that He highlights to me.
I know many of our stories are not neat or pleasant; they're messy, painful, ugly, heart-wrenching, and were even sorely unexpected and disappointing. And while they contain beautiful, lovely, hope-filled, enjoyable, and perhaps even amazing parts, it can be tough to reconcile them all in some meaningful way.
This is where the joining or uniting of our scars and stories with the scars and story of Jesus is vital, which is essentially what I wrote about in my blog post above. There is a sanctity within this joining, and I believe this is one of the places where the sweet wine of Heaven will soon be pouring.
While they can never make complete sense on their own, and while we might not have the full understanding we long for about it until we're in Heaven with Him, I do think healing and transformation can come as we bring our scars and stories into union with the story and scars of Christ. Whether this comes all at once, in gradual degrees, or is a lifelong process, I believe it to be true and imperative.
Prophetically, I see we have entered a time where the more in-depth pieces of our scars and stories will be brought together in a way we've never known before; it's like a connecting of dots by the Holy Spirit. Some of these dots are natural, and some are spiritual. Nevertheless, there is a connection taking place because Heaven says it's time.
I hear the Lord say:
"While many of you continue to work through the healing processes the Father has uniquely laid out for you, there is some part of it that will only make sense as you allow the Spirit to connect it with who I AM in you and who you are in Me. You don't realize how much your lives matter to Me. You don't think your scars and stories have great value, but they do. I long for you to open up to Me so I can open you up to yourselves and to others. Telling your story and sharing your scars in the ways I show you will not only help you, but it will also be a gamechanger for certain people; nothing else will work for them. And as you draw from the wellspring of who I AM in you and how we flow together, others will be drawn to My love and hope that you embody. They will taste and hear and see My goodness through you as you share the guts and the glory of our beautiful scars and story."
I believe Heaven is going to start highlighting the scars and stories of God's people in unique and purposeful ways, revealing Jesus and His Kingdom more definitively, even to believers. I realize sharing life experiences or testimonies to spread the Gospel or as a source of encouragement, inspiration, and hope isn't new. Still, He is showing me how He does this will bring a fresh and defining difference.
I can't say precisely what it will look like; I only know it's coming. It will be the pouring out of a new wine through the redeemed wineskins of those whose scars and stories are synced up with His scars and story. And through this process, we will all get to taste and know the goodness of the Lord in ways we never have before.
Another aspect of this is the revisiting of people's scars and stories. By this, I mean there will be a refreshing on the scars and stories of those who have previously shared them. You will start sharing them again, but it will be much different this time around. There will be a new and unusual anointing on them for the time-specific purposes of the Kingdom to be accomplished on earth as it is in Heaven, which is rooted in the will of the Father.
Indeed, this uniting or reuniting of our life stories with the life of Christ will bring this new, distinct outpouring. Said another way, it will be a serving of His new wine through us, through our reconciled scars and stories, to those who need and long for Him. It is so they can also taste and see how good He is. And in the process, I think we'll experience levels of healing only He can give us. Again, I cannot say exactly how this will look, but I believe it to be unlike anything we have known thus far.
Sharing our scars and stories is a powerful and compelling thing. However, when we bring them into congruence with the story and scars of Jesus, real power and consecration happen. Our scars and stories don't belong exclusively to us anymore; they belong to Him and His Kingdom too. And in this sacred union, a supernatural synergy takes place as His presence floods into our wounds and history while uniting them with His own.
Together, our scars and stories become, as He said to me, "a divine witness." And this is where His Kingdom begins to manifest within us and through us to touch the lives of others with the perfect, life-changing love, power, truth, and grace of our Savior and Lord, the Living Word - Jesus [Yeshua HaMashiach].
Lastly, I hear Him speaking these words:
"Will you allow Me to pour into your scars and stories? Will you let Me interpose them with Mine? Can I pour the wine of My Kingdom into you so that I may serve it to others? Beloved, I long for them to know Who I AM like you do, and I want to reveal Myself through the divine witness of our shared scars and stories. Will you let Me?"
Michelle Holderman
Copyright ©2019
Copyright ©2019
P.S. If you haven't yet read "Scars and Stories," I encourage you to do so because it will help give a better context and perspective to this.
Scripture reference: Psalm 34:8. Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him.
(Photo source: Pexels)
Scripture reference: Psalm 34:8. Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him.
(Photo source: Pexels)
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