A Prophetic Word Release

The Father has had me be silent more than speak over the past several months. Today, however, the Holy Spirit is having me release a few things, including these words He spoke to me on December 14, 2020. So, in obedience, I share this prophetic word.

I hear the Spirit of God say: 

“There is an explosion of truth coming, and it is coming quickly. 

This is the sound of Heaven that is coming to expose, reveal, uncover, and make known the hearts of men. 

I am not making idle threats, says God. I AM taking back what belongs to Me. 

The sound of Heaven is coming to override what has come out of My order, and I will not apologize for it. 

Those in your midst that present themselves one way but are living another will be made known, even in the highest courts, governments, and religious institutions of your land. 

It will not be pretty for them who have plotted to destroy and take over, for I AM making adjustments to overthrow them. 

I AM a God of justice and righteousness, and I will not allow My people, those who honor Me with their hearts and not just their words, to succumb to the plans, plots, and ploys of the enemy. 

This is not the time for unbelief within My people. Nor is this the time for unbelief in My prophets. Rather this is a time for the prospering and prevailing of My purpose. 

I AM not slow in acting as some are, but I AM justified by My own hand to make known the deeds of men who cloak themselves with darkness and subversion. 

I will not be summoned by those who call out for help only so they can return to their rebellious, evil ways. They may have many people fooled, but they do not fool Me.

Stand and see the coming of your God and His glory invading the earth as I have never done before! I AM coming in a magnitude of power you have never witnessed in your lifetime. I AM coming to not only bless My people but to establish My people for who you are. 

In the coming weeks, you are going to see the righteous brought out of confinement and constraint in more ways than you would imagine.

Many of My Sons and Daughters are calling out to Me; many are in prayer and intercession; many are humbling themselves before Me and are seeking My face; many are decreeing My word and declaring My heart. Will I not respond? 

This is the sound you are going to hear - My sound; the sound of Heaven. This is the only invasion coming. Yes, it is the sound of Heaven invading the earth as My Kingdom comes more fully and My will is done on earth just as it is in Heaven."

December 14, 2020

Michelle Holderman
Copyright © 2021

1 comment

  1. Confirmed in “Focus Group” 13 Jan 21: Focus Group 13 Jan 21 | truthinus (wordpress.com)
