Scripture sums up the whole month of October. And for that matter, it is
the season we are now in – the time of God’s purpose prevailing.
The word
purpose means – 1. The reason for which something is done or created; the
reason for which something exists. 2. To have as one's intention or objective.
3. Resolution. 4. Determination.
The Lord
began showing me in September that we have entered into “the time of
His intention.” He was very specific, and the biblical basis He
gave me for this is Proverbs 19:21.
As He
explained it further to me, I began to understand there are set times of God’s
intention that are pre-appointed by Him. And when we do come into these times,
His purpose overrides and prevails over the plans of people.
I first
wrote about this last month in a word I entitled, Entertaining
Angels. If you haven’t yet read it, I encourage you to do so because it
applies to all of God’s people. It’s very revealing and exciting.
intention of God is now at the forefront. His purpose is working in our
individual lives, as well as within the corporate Body of Christ. He is
aligning and drawing people together for His purposes.
The Kingdom
of Heaven has divine mandates on certain people for certain things at certain times. There are
God-appointed commissions on certain sons and daughters to work together for
specific God-appointed reasons. And The Father is in the process of bringing
them together to begin the orchestration of those reasons. It's His appointed time for this. Call them Kingdom
purposes because that’s exactly what they are.
It won’t all
happen at once, but October is a key month He will begin establishing these
divine alliances among His people. In fact, He’s been at work behind the scenes over the past several years preparing us for this very time. Another pivotal month concerning this was July. He put certain things in motion then that will now accelerate in this time.
So it’s no
coincidence you are where you are. It’s no coincidence you’ve been learning
what you have. It's no coincidence God has repeatedly placed certain people on your heart and mind. It's all a part of His preparation process to get you
ready for Heaven's purpose. And what will start unfolding this month is no
coincidence either. There are no
coincidences with God.
Trust is
always a part of the process. He’s brought you this far so know He will
complete the work He first began in you. Know His intention is prevailing over
you; even if you can’t see it yet.
October is
clearly a month of change (in the natural and in the spirit). Here in the US, the weather shifts into a set autumnal pattern. Vibrant
colors emerge as leaves begin to turn. The past seasons of winter, spring, and summer culminate into the
glorious beauty of this season – fall.
That’s a key
for this month and time also – turning. And it has everything to do with His
The Father
is turning us, and matters concerning us, in the direction He wants. And as we turn, a spiritual
vibrancy will begin to emerge that directly coincides with His purpose and intention for our
lives. The beauty and glory of this season will reveal itself through the
turning. God’s etching on our lives will become more evident.
Heaven's purpose is prevailing and October is but a foretaste of what's to come.
P3 Ministries
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P3 Ministries
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